OPERA i Provinsen
The Danish opera company “Opera i Provinsen” is founded in 2002 by the Royal Opera singer Børge Nielsen. The idea behind “Opera i Provinsen” is to bring opera out of Copenhagen and share the experience with people living in the provinces. In general, very few people who are not familiar with opera are willing to travel to the capital and pay a high price for a ticket to the Royal Opera House. Because of this, many people will not have the opportunity to discover the beauty of live opera.
“Opera i Provinsen” has specialized in bringing opera out to civic centres, schools and cultural houses and play short operas in Danish. We use very simple scenery and are accompanied by music from a grand piano.
A very popular production is our Opera High Light Concert performed by four soloists accompanied by the grand piano. Our company commissions singers from The Royal Danish Opera. Besides that we have a choir of talented amateur singers who are chosen through auditions.
The reputation of our company is very good. We have performed a guest performance (Otello) at the Royal Danish Opera. Also we have been invited by the Consul General and the Danish Chamber of Commerce to give the High Light Concert in Hong Kong.
In 2005 our company was transformed into an independent, private, non-profit organization headed by a board: In 2017 with Mr. Erling Eliasson as the artistic director.
Our productions are financed by grants from private foundations. So far subsidies from our municipality, as well as profits from sales of our performances, have made our mission possible.